About Us
F - Financial stability
I - Igniting passion
R – Reviving empathy
S - Spreading love
T - Taking initiative
I - Independence
N - Nurturing talents
D – Developing responsibility
I - Inviting skills
A – Assimilating kindness
N - Nourishing minds
When we think of making a change, we think big. We do not restrict ourselves to one person, one age, or one target. Our objectives range from educating people with specialized skills to singing on their birthdays while they cut their cake. They should feel that their life is a joy to be dwelled in and not just passed through. For that, we constantly look for ways in which we can help people appreciate what they are doing.
I is the Indian, I is also the self and I dictates the first Roman numeral as well. It perfectly sums up what we stand for – being the First Indian. We all are the protagonist and the forebearers of leading our lives. If each of us comes forward entrusting themselves with this charge, we will form a collective far more enabled to making great changes. What we can do alone, we can do better together. Let us all become the First Indians and lead this nation to a brighter future!
Do you know that the president of our country is considered as the first citizen of India?
It places immense responsibility on his shoulders, doesn’t it? We believe that while it denotes that he is the first person answerable to this country, we must all consider ourselves one too.
By the virtue of being an Indian, we all owe ourselves to it. Let us all be that First Indian and join our hands together to serve India better. We hope that after this realization, we will not have to look at someone else to take up the initiative. We believe in doing our part first and foremost. Consequently, we make our world a better place, one person, one act, one responsibility at a time. Then, it will not be so wrong to expect things to be different, will it?
Our Team
How could we think about serving people without knowing the best way forward? Whenever we traverse on a plain that requires well-planned action, which it always does, we take to consulting a team of experts for their advice. So, if you drop by our next blood donation camp, be assured that we have the guidance of a doctor behind! We are a small but hardworking team who dedicate themselves to this trust.